The way you tell your story can change your life



  • 10.00 - Doors open

    Doors will open at 10.00am for an event start at 11.00am

  • 11.00 - Introduction to Event

    We will begin with an introduction into the Business of Being a Rider event with an opening from a panel of four to explain what the business of being a rider means in detail and why this part of a riders career is essential for commercial growth.

  • 11.15 - Athletes and Storytelling

    Authenticity helps athletes build deeply engaging brand profiles and connections to fans and audiences. A positive public image on social media not only inspires up and coming riders and communities but can bring athletes sponsorship opportunities and collaborations.

  • 12.00 - Building Your Brand

    Branding isn’t just for companies and corporations. Professionals, athletes and businesses are managing their personal brands to achieve career success.

    Learn why personal branding is important and how to build yours to stand out in the market, create opportunity and leave legacy.

  • 13.00 - Lunch Break

    The sessions will break for lunch giving a time to visit the boutique shopping village

  • 14.00 - Arena Demonstration

    Event Ambassador Carl Hester will work with riders in the main arena on the basics of dressage and what to look for in young horses

  • 15.00 - Social Media and its Management

    While you may expend a lot of energy trying to figure out social media and its algorithms, the most effective social media management plan owes its success to the strategy that sits behind them.

    This session will include what platforms to use, advice on what type of posts to create, when to post, and which audience to target. Every piece of the strategy must support the desired outcome and in this session we discuss it all.

  • 16.00 - Arena Demonstration

    Event Ambassador Carl Hester will demonstrate the principles of working at the Grand Prix level. Carl may ride himself or be teaching students on the ground (TBC)

  • 17.00 - Content Creation

    Why is content creation important and what do you need to think about when creating content. How can you create your story through the images, videos and messaging you communicate?

    What are your options if you are on a limited budget for creating content? We talk about all of this...and more

  • 18.00 - Evening - In Conversation With

    This will conclude the days sessions and demos with some drinks and time to unwind as we listen to the career, experience and ethos of the special guests.



  • 9.00 - Doors Open

    Doors will open at 9.00am for an event start at 10.00am

  • 10.00 - Introduction to Event

    We will begin with an introduction into the Business of Being a Rider event with an opening from a panel of three to explain what the business of being a rider means in detail and why this part of a riders career is essential for commercial growth.

  • 10.15 - My Personal Story

    Special guest (s) will discuss their rise on social media; what they has meant for their professional career and how they have monetised their social media along the way.

  • 11.00 - Sourcing Sponsorship

    How to get sponsorship, what are brands looking for in riders, how to retain sponsors, contracts and managing the partnership; this is one of the most important sessions of the two day weekend and will be covered by a panel of riders, brands and industry experts

  • 12.15 - Lunch Break - demo

    The sessions will break for lunch and a special guest will conduct a training demonstration in the main arena.

  • 13.00 - Handling scrutiny and hate

    Individuals, athletes and beyond must be mindful of their opinions and actions when in public domain. Every step you take as an aspiring athlete is being watched, and any talents growth on social media is made up by a diverse audience of consumers, fans and viewers.

    These are followers who have the right to praise, and arguably the right to criticise, when they see fit. But how do you stay authentic and true to your values whilst exercising caution, being careful and cultivated when you operate in the public domain and what are the tools and mindset you need to manage scrutiny.

  • 14.00 - Insurance and the law - protecting yourself.

    For many riders and business owners, the law in relation to equestrian matters remains an unknown. From horse sales, running an equestrian business to agreements with owners; these matters are complex and can become complicated in absence of contractual agreements. Where do you begin to navigate this space as an equestrian and further to this, do we really have a good understanding of insurance and its importance.

    We discuss all of this in detail during this session.

  • 15.00 - Managing the press and interviews

    Being invited to do a media interview is an exciting moment but also can fill some people with nerves. It’s natural to feel anxious about what to say about the questions that will be asked.

    How can you master these nerves to embrace this feeling and view the interview as an opportunity to speak directly with your audience with confidence. Industry experts tell you how in this session.

  • 16.00 - Weekend conclusion

    This will conclude the weekend sessions and demos with some drinks as wrap up with some key takeouts and insights for attendees. This final hour will allow attendees to meet some of the days participants and ask any questions they have from the weekend.